In these hard economic times, people are looking to save money at every opportunity. We use coupons, price comparison shop, and cut out things we don't need. But what about the basic we all use? Shampoos, soaps, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, medicines? These are things we use every day, but never think much about. Here's how to save money at CVS Pharmacy, using CVS Extra Care Bucks, and get many items free!
First, you will need about $15.00 to get started. Grab a CVS flyer and look for items that are free after Extra Care Bucks (ECBs). If you checkout the website you can get good deals and coupons, and see what's going on sale before heading out to the store.
Go through all the coupons and see if there are any that you can use for your CVS items that are already free after ECBs. For example, a 6-pack of SoyJoy bars are $6.00 and you get $6.00 back. There was a $3.00 off 10 bars coupon in the newspaper last week. You can use this coupons
on two boxes and spend $9.00 but make $12.00. You have to look at the bottom of your receipt because the flyer says th limit is 5, but it is really 10. That means if you buy 10 for $60.00, use 5 of the coupons so you save $15.00. So for $45.00, you get $60.00. The idea is to build your store credit ECBs. will list any newspapers that have special coupons like, $3.00 off $15.00. The key is breaking the transactions down in order to use as many of these coupons which you can usually print online and can save tons of money. Once you have ECBs, roll them into other items in which you gain ECBs
each week and then you don't have to spend much more than pocket change each week. Many people save over $500 and get items like soaps and medicines for free!